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Hypnosis Can Help Parents who have a Child or Adolescent with a Disability

Are you a parent of a child/adolescent with disabilities? Are you always tired, always second guessing yourself, easily frustrated and often angry? You have a very tough job at home and if you work outside the house your life is even more difficult. Are you finding it very hard to keep juggling all the plates you are suppose to have in the air to keep everything all together? Do you need some strategies for staying calm and centered even in the midst of chaos? Are there a lot of people in your life telling you how to do it and criticizing your parenting skills, your ability to follow through, your consistency and your ability to stay calm?

Loving Kindness Hypnosis can help. Learn to stay calm even in the midst of chaos. Learn parenting skills and self help skills along with ego strengthening that will make a positive difference in your life. Learn to stand up for yourself and to trust your instincts. No one knows your child/adolescent better than you do.

If you believe it is time to stop grieving and time to start dealing…effectively then call Loving Kindness Hypnosis. Or if you just need a place to learn to unwind and to take that lesson home with you then call me at Loving Kindness Hypnosis.

I have 30 years experience working with families and their children with disabilities. REMEMBER YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER IS A CHILD FIRST….NOT A DISABILITY!
You have a CHILD with…… not a ……..CHILD!!

I am passionate about easing your pain and getting you to a place of happiness and success.
Let’s Do Great Things Together

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