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Welcome to Loving Kindness Hypnosis

Meet Laney, Master Hypnotist

Laney Coulter is a Master Hypnotist, with multiple certifications including as a BWRT Level 2 Advanced Practitioner.  Her  background as a special education administrator, teacher and principal, combined with her passion for helping people, give her a unique perspective as a hypnotherapist.

She combines her experience and intuitive knowledge of human nature to help her clients achieve success through hypnosis.  She creates a comfortable and safe place, where she works with her clients to come up with the best solutions for their life.

Laney not only helped me to quit smoking for good, she also helped me treat myself better in all regards. Cannot thank her enough for life-changing support.

-Shannon M.

I so enjoyed working with Laney.  I felt comfortable immediately.  I wanted to overcome unhealthy eating habits, but we worked on so much more. This  led to the beginning of me achieving my goals, seeking enjoyable ways to exercise and becoming a happier person.  I loved each and every session and an most satisfied with Loving Kindness Hypnosis.

-Teri G.

I’m impressed by Laney’s deep intuition and understanding. I had never tried hypnotism before and I’m glad I trusted my gut to go for it. She has a diverse range of experience to guide you through any problem. You’ll come out refreshed from her calm, supportive environment.

-Cara C.

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Now Offering

Psilocybin Facilitation

Loving Kindness Hypnosis now offers the transformative services of psilocybin facilitation. Psilocybin, a natural compound known for its profound effects on the mind, enhances the brain’s ability to adapt and change. This powerful process helps individuals break free from negative thought patterns and habits, offering significant potential for those struggling with depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction, and other mental health challenges. Many who have experienced psilocybin facilitation report lasting improvements in their mental health and well-being. Laney is a licensed facilitator, and her compassionate guidance ensures a safe and supportive environment for these life-changing journeys, helping you achieve greater spiritual well-being and personal growth. Start your psilocybin journey today at Loving Kindness Hypnosis!

What I Do For You

Hypnotherapy Sessions

I offer a wide range of session styles to fit your unique needs, everything from smoking to sleep. Explore the drop down menu below for details on specific hypnosis session types.


OldPain2Go® is a pain reduction and removal method that uses hypnosis to communicate with the part of the brain that sends pain signals. It is NOT bodywork but more of an energetic, talking technique where I will show you how you can make that mind/body connection and get rid of your old pain for good!
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Hypnosis for Weight Loss

You will learn to think about food differently, to change your relationship with it so that it is no longer your "go-to" strategy when you are feeling low, bored, lonely, anxious, etc. Learning to deal effectively with uncomfortable feelings is some of what this journey is about.
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Stop Smoking

Smoking is an unconscious habit, therefore it is very difficult to quit using your conscious mind. If you could change an unconscious bad habit with your conscious mind, then you would have already done that. Hypnosis can help you become a Non-Smoker in 1 Session.
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The Dance of Anger

Anger is a signal that we are feeling hurt or that our rights are being violated or our needs and wants are not being met. Or maybe we don't know why we are feeling it but we know something is not right. Our anger lets us know that we are not addressing an important emotional issue in our lives. Maybe we feel that a lot of our beliefs, values, desires are being comprised. If feeling angry signals a problem, venting anger does not solve it. It may serve to maintain and even rigidify it.
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Fertility Program

Each session will include a hypnotic trance, which will access the unconscious mind to encourage fertility and ready the mind as well as the body for pregnancy. One of the goals is to lead you back to your goddess self. You will learn to become one with your heart, and reconnect to your path, and to trust your intuition. Together we will do the work to create the space you need to truly trust and surrender to your inner knowing.
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Healthy Sleep

You know you need a good night’s rest in order to function at your best. Not getting the amount of sleep you need often affects other areas of your life, i.e. increased stress, eating issues, smoking, and other habits.
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Increase Confidene

When you change your emotions you change your feeling which change your thoughts and your behaviors change and there you are in a new reality, one where you are the star of your show. Together we will give you back the life you came into this world to live.
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Stress Management

When we are stressed our blood pressure rises, our breathing becomes more rapid, our digestive system slows down and our heart rate rises, and our immune system goes down, and our muscles become tense and frequently we do not sleep as we are in a heightened state of alertness.
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Hypnosis for Relationship

In hypnosis the client will look at their childhood experiences and understand from an adult perspective what was going on so that they can change the erroneous emotions that were set in motion at that time that have led to the present time relationship difficulties.
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Brain Working Recursive Technique

Unlike hypnosis, BWRT does not involve being in a relaxed trance state, listening to hypnotherapeutic stories and suggestions. Instead, I will calmly guide you through a very innovative process wherein you will begin to respond differently to events and emotions which previously were difficult for you.
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Try Hypnosis for Free.

I’m offering a free hypnosis audio download to help boost your immune system and stay calm and collected. Please listen to it daily as needed.  Make sure you are somewhere you can relax undisturbed for at least 10 minutes.  Because you will be listening
with your eyes closed it is important you are not driving or operating any equipment!
Please share with anyone you think will benefit from listening.  Live Long and Prosper!!

Benefits of Hypnosis

Immediate Reults

Compared to other methods, clients often seen immediate and lasting results. Because hypnosis deals with the core issues, instead of masking them.

Break Long Lasting Habits

Hypnosis is usually the last technique that people try after many failures with other types of therapy. Clients will often say; "I wish I had tried hypnosis first."

Drug Free

Instead of drugs and chemicals, hypnosis is an effective technique that addresses the psychological and emotional aspects of your habit. It targets the core problem and gives you the tools to manage it for the rest of your life.

Removes Blocks to Success

Hypnosis helps with weight loss, smoking, sleep disorders, phobias, pain, symptoms from PTSD and anxiety. Clients are able to use what they learn to benefit all areas of their life including relationships and work.

Certifications & Associations

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Have Questions?

Most people do have questions. Your inquiries are valued and welcome! No question is too small.

Phone: (503) 289-3614